Continue Knocking

Continue Knocking – Staying Connected in the Business of Life

Did you know that 91% of Fortune 500 Executives attribute their career success to their personal and professional network? As the world continues to become flat, your ability to stay connected to your network, your industry and your marketable skills are critical to your long-term success. The average professional will have 7 careers in their lifetime which translates to 86 phone interviews, 112 face-to-face interviews and 66 versions of your resume. Are you prepared? This session will help you build your overall life strategy by focusing on:

  • Networking strategies for busy people
  • 7 proven habits for successful executives
  • The importance of becoming a rainmaker
  • Cultivating a reputation of being interested, not interesting

To book this seminar, please contact Tim at or fill out the Bring Tim to Campus form in the right hand column of the page.

Print the following helpful guides for an offline format to review Tim’s seminars.

  1. How Hard Are You Knocking – The Seminars
  2. How Hard Are You Knocking – The Books